big Sale Drinkwell Fountain Premium Replacement Filter 3 pack

Drinkwell Fountain Premium Replacement Filter 3 pack




Since I already posted a review for the Drinkwell Platinum Pet Fountain, I am going to keep this review focused on the product itself, which is the new and improved filter.

I can't say that I was all that thrilled with the previous filter for use with the older version of the Drinkwell Pet Fountain. It was always producing a lot of charcoal in my cats water and although it didn't hurt him, I still didn't like the site of all that "garbage" in the bottom of his water dish. Also, the old filters didn't seem to do that good of job of filtering out the water. I don't know if it was just me, but I didn't like them all that much.

Now we jump forward to the other day when I got the Drinkwell Platinum Pet Fountain for my cat's eighth birthday, which he was simply overjoyed with and stuck his entire face in the stream to get the first drink.

These new filters seem to do a much better job at filtering out the water as it circulates throughout the system. I have yet to see any charcoal in the bottom of his dish, nor anywhere else for that matter. I would definitely recommend that you buy several of these three-packs of replacement filters and be sure and change them frequently depending upon the condition of your local water. Some places have a harder water than others and therefore should replace the filters more often.

Shawn Kovacich

100% Cat Lover
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