big Sale Pogi's Poop Bags - 30 Rolls (450 Bags) - Large, Earth-Friendly, Scented, Leak-Proof Pet Waste Bags

Pogi's Poop Bags - 30 Rolls (450 Bags) - Large, Earth-Friendly, Scented, Leak-Proof Pet Waste Bags




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As the relatively new parent of a Standard Poodle puppy, I've become somewhat of a picking up dog poop expert in short order. What I've learned so far is that you do not want to use an el-cheapo poop bag to pick up the presents your dog leaves. My wife was so happy when she found a box of really inexpensive bags at Marshall's. We quickly found out that those El-cheapo poop bags are very thin and prone to breaking at the most inopertune times. Yuck!

When you're walking your dog in public spaces, these are a necessity. But they are equally good just using around your own yard. No more land mines to worry about.

Pogi's poop bags are a thicker gauge and less prone to breakage. They are generously sized as well, measuring 8.5" wide and 12" long. 15 bags per roll. They have a "fresh scent" that reminds me of baby powder. The pleasant scent is not insignificant if you must retrieve a pile and then carry it to the first available trash bin.

Best selling point for these are that they are biodegradeable and will decompose in about 18 months according to the manufacturer.

If you've gotta pick up poop, these are the bags for you. They are quite a bit pricier than than the el-cheap bags but you get a stronger, possibly larger and definitely pleasantly scented, bio-degradable poop bag.

I was provided a sample for review.
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